No. 30 / 100M / 100% polyester /全200 色
- 請使用14號縫紉針
Scbappe Spun是一種高檔縫紉線,采用一種被稱為 "絲綢系統 "的特殊加工方法紡制而成,它源於歐洲的悠久傳統。
- - 請留意不同螢幕顯示或會出現色差 - -
- Please note that there may be colour differences between screens -
**請注意: 如存貨量預訂貨品, 如繼續訂購,將自動轉為預訂,預訂時間約2星期 - 4星期,視乎於日本貨期而定**
** If the stock volume display as Pre-order, it will change to pre-order automatically, it will takes 2 to 4 weeks to order, depending on the delivery time from Japan. *